Accessories, Tips

How to Style and Wear your Sunglasses

1) Find the sunglass shape that suits your face shape.

Nothing you do to look good in sunglasses will have a greater impact than just finding the right pair of sunglasses that accentuate your features and face shape.

2) Let your sunglasses shine.

Keep it casual. Minimize accessories, jewelry and color. And let your sunglasses steal the show.

How to Style and Wear your Sunglasses - khood fashion 1

3) Wear your sunglasses without ‘wearing them’.

Hook the look. Sunglasses hooked onto outside pockets or shirt collars is a great way to accessorize your outfit and make a style statement without actually ‘wearing’ them.

So how should you wear your sunglasses when you don’t have them on?

1. Wear Them On Your Head

How to Style and Wear your Sunglasses - khood fashion 2

This is probably the most common way to wear sunglasses when they’re not on your face. However, If you’re going to wear your glasses on your head, you need to be aware of a few potential problems:

 1. Certain head shapes can stretch out sunglasses. Wearing your sunglasses on top of your head may cause them to stretch out. Once they’re stretched out, they might Slip Down Your Nose or fall off when you look down.

2. Chemicals from hair products may cause damage to your sunglasses. Keep a close eye on the plastic parts of your sunglasses to see if you notice any chemical changes, scratches, or other wear and tear.

3. Your hair can get caught in the frames.

2. Use a Neck Strap

These holders keep your sunglasses at the ready and fairly close to your body when they’re not on your face. They’re excellent for sports because they won’t fly around like they would on a longer lanyard.

3. Hang Them On Your Shirt

Another easy way to wear your sunglasses when they’re not on your face is to hook them onto your shirt. This is a stylish look for both men and women, although it may not be the best choice if you’re participating in any kind of physical activity.

By: Hala AlZoubi

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